

AEE INTEC WPT Group Sept 2024 (1)

Meet the Team - AEE (Insitute for sustainable technologies)

As part of the CORNERSTONE project, the Water and Process Technology (WPT) group at AEE is responsible for leading Work Package 1 (WP1). Their key tasks include Mapping industrial water streams to identify potential areas for efficiency and reuse and Designing and optimizing integrated water treatment technologies at the laboratory scale.

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CORNERSTONE at World Water Congress 2024

CORNERSTONE was present at the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress and Exhibition in Toronto - a global event for water professionals covering the full water cycle.
Cejna Anna Quist-Jensen, the coordinator of the CORNERSTONE project, took the stage during the session on "Membrane Applications in Wastewater Management" to show insights from the CORNERSTONE avtivities and in addition presented a poster titled "Minerals Recovery and Freshwater Production from Acid Mine Drainage by Membrane Crystallization."
Cejna highlighted the critical importance of circularity in industrial processes, emphasizing that while recycling and reusing water is essential, it’s equally crucial to reclaim energy and solutes from industrial process streams. This is where the CORNERSTONE systems come into play.

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Digitalization in CORNERSTONE

Which sensors are necessary for each CORNERSTONE module and what are the key monitoring parameters essential for the predictive maintenance and optimization? Additionally, how is the process water characterization over the year?

The WP2 partners - under the lead of BFI - convene regularly to develop monitoring concepts applicable to both lab scale and pilot installation for each CORNERSTONE module. Their goal is to incorporate smart monitoring and sensors to optimize treatment processes into CORNERSTONE systems, with a primary objective of reducing downtime, minimizing cleaning requirements, enhancing overall process performance, and predicting maintenance risks.

This effort is pivotal in incorporating digital twins into our developed technologies and technology trains. Our objective is to validate these technologies with real data collected from two demonstration sites.

More about Work Package 2


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Work Package 1: Progress during the Summer

In the CORNERSTONE work package 1, despite the summer break, there’s a lot of work to be done. WP1 partners meet regularly to discuss the current status of technology modules, analyze the composition of water streams from various industrial sites, explore the testing schedule, and organize site visits. In the meeting yesterday, HKM introduced Virtual Sensing to the partners, which aims to support module optimization.

The overall aim of work package 1 is to design technology trains for the best process integration at lab-scale.

More about work package 1



2nd CORNERSTONE Consortium in Gleisdorf, Austria

The 2nd Cornerstone Consortium meeting took place from 19th to 20th June 2024, in the town of Gleisdorf, near Graz, Austria. This event brought together Work Package Leaders, Case Study Leaders, and technology providers to discuss the progress and future steps of the project. A heartfelt thank you goes out to partner AEE INTEC for hosting this productive meeting.

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CORNERSTONE Workpackage 5 and 6 Meeting in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

In May 2024, a very productive CORNERSTONE workpackage meeting took place in Frankfurt a.M./Germany with WP leaders from WP5 (focus on integrated decision support tools for water circularity) and WP6 (focus on exploitation potential of new wastewater treatment technologies) – 20FIFTY Partners and DECHEMA.

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Radio interview: Insights into the CORNERSTONE project 

In a recent radio interview on the SWR2 program “Wissen aktuell - SWR2 Impuls”, which was broadcast on April 5, 2024 at 4:05 pm, Cejna Anna Quist-Jensen from Aalborg University and Christina Jungfer from DECHEMA in Frankfurt talked about the opportunities that the CORNERSTONE project offers for the future use of industrial water. 

Listen to the full interview and find out how CORNERSTONE is paving the way to a sustainable future for industrial water!

Full interview



CORNERSTONE Kick-Off Meeting in Aalborg, Denmark

The CORNERSTONE project was officially launched in Aalborg, Denmark, from January 30 to February 1 with all 16 partners from 8 EU countries. During these 3 days, the representatives of the entire consortium introduced their planned work, outlined the next steps and got to know each other.

Many thanks to our coordinator and host of the kick-off meeting, Aalborg University, for their excellent work during these 3 days. We look forward to collaborating with a great consortium in the coming years.

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